07/25/2024 update: Council approved the final plat for Woodland Hills.
Woodland Hills of Corcoran, Inc., has submitted a Land Use Application to develop 36.74 acres of land on the northeast corner of the Hackamore Road and County Road 116 intersection. The proposal includes the development of 60 detached single-family lots and 1 amenity lot. If approved, the applicant plans to sell the lots to local builders to construct custom homes that would range in size from 2800-5259 square feet. The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat, a rezoning, and two variances.
The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat, which includes 60 lots for single-family homes, 1 lot for an amenity space, and 5 outlots to preserve a number of wetlands on the site.
The current zoning designation for this site is Single-Family Residential (RSF-2). The minimum lot width of RSF-2 is 80 feet. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone the site to Single and Two-Family Residential (RSF-3), which has a minimum lot width of 65-feet. If approved, this rezoning would allow for the developer to create 65-foot and 75-foot-wide lots.
Woodland Hills of Corcoran, Inc., is requesting approval of two variances from the zoning standards of RSF-3. The first is a request for flexibility from the minimum side yard setback to 7.5 feet for both the living and the garage sides of the lot. The second request is for flexibility from the arch standards to allow the garage to compromise more than 55 percent of the viewable building frontage.
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