Walcott Glen is a proposed planned unit development (PUD) on 35.07 acres at the northwest corner of Hackamore Road and County Road 101. The development includes 85 townhomes and 44 single family units. Townhome lots will range in size from 1,956 to 2,654 square feet and single family lots will range in size from 7,110 to 22,203 square feet.
Final Plat and Final Planned Unit Development (City file no. 22-036)
Update: On August 25, 2022, City Council passed Resolution 2022-97 & 2022-98, approving the Final Planned Unit Development Plan and Final Plat for "Walcott Glen".
The applicant, Pulte, has requested approval of the final plat and final planned unit development (PUD) plat for Walcott Glen. The applicant is requesting approval of a final plat for 85 townhomes, 44 single family units and four outlots. Single family homes styles will be selected for each lot by home buyers and must comply with all design requirements. Outlots will be provided for stormwater ponds, wetlands, and common areas for townhomes. A homeowners association will be responsible for the maintenance of common areas. The applicant is requesting PUD flexibility for lot area and width for single family homes, as well as building setback requirements for lot 38.
The final plat and final PUD are consistent with the approved preliminary plat and preliminary PUD plan. If approved, the applicant plans to develop this project in a single phase.
Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Planned Unit Development, & Zoning Ordinance Amendment (City file no. 22-015)
Update: On June 9, 2022, City Council approved a preliminary Planned Unit Development for "Walcott Glen" as well as an Ordinance amending the zoning map in Title X.
Pulte Homes is requesting approval of a Rezoning, Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) for "Walcott Glen". The proposed site is 35.07 acres at the northwest corner of Hackamore Road and County Road 101. The residential development includes 85 townhomes and 44 single family units.
The site is guided Low Density Residential in the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located in the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and the 2020-2025 phase of the 2040 Staging Plan. Municipal services are available to serve the development.
Previous Meeting Dates
August 25 City Council
June 9 City Council
May 26 City Council
May 5 Planning Commission