Rush Creek Reserve is a development by M/I Homes, of Minneapolis and St. Paul. This 103-acre site is planned to create 257 new homes, consisting of 177 single family homes, 22 twin homes, and 56 townhomes. The neighborhood is located just west of the Corcoran City Park, with access onto County Road 10, and is served by the Rockford School District. The development will include trails/open space for recreation and other amenities. M/I is planning to construct Rush Creek Reserve in 4 phases, with the first two phases underway now, and the third being approved by the City Council.
Rush Creek Reserve 4th Addition
M/I Homes submitted application materials for the fourth and final addition of Rush Creek Reserve. This addition includes 52 single-family lots and 2 outlots in a cul-de-sac east of 79th Ave. To allow the development of this phase, the applicant also requests approval of an Easement Vacation. This request would vacate a blanket drainage & utility easement that is currently covering Outlot F of Rush Creek Reserve 2nd Addition. New drainage & utility easements will be established with the final plat of Rush Creek Reserve 4th Addition.
Rush Creek Reserve 3rd Addition
On April 27, 2023, the City Council approved M/I Homes application for the third phase for Rush Creed Reserve. This addition consists of 18 single-family villas in the cul-de-sac at the north point of Xyloid Lane.
Rush Creek Reserve 2nd Addition
The Final Plat and Final PUD Plan for "Rush Creek Reserve 2nd Addition" was
approved in the spring of 2022. This phase of development will plat a total of
106 units including 29 single family homes, 16 twin-homes, 15 basement
villas, and 27 townhomes.
Rush Creek Reserve 1 - Final Plat and Final Planned Unit Development (PUD)
The first addition of Rush Creek Reserve was approved by City Council on October 29, 2020. This phase included 80 homes along Walnut Lane, 78th Place, 79th Ave, 80th Ave, and Xyloid Ave. Homes constructed in this phase were Single Family Detached, Detached Villas, Twin Homes, and Town Homes.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
May 23, 2024 City Council
Previous Meeting Dates
April 27, 2023 City Council
September 8, 2022 City Council
April 28, 2022 City Council
April 7, 2022 Planning Commission
May 27, 2021 City Council