Tavera is a multi-phased Planned Unit Development from Lennar Homes. The project aims to construct 549 homes on a 273.57-acre site along County Road 116. Tavera will provide a variety of home types, including single-family, villa, twin home, and townhome units. The concept plan for Tavera indicated the development to be built in 8 phases. The first 6 phases have been approved as of March 28, 2024.

Tavera 6
Update 03/28/2024: City Council approved Lennar's request for a Final Plat and Final PUD for Tavera 6.
Lennar has submitted an application for a Final Plat and a Final Planned Unit Development for the sixth addition of the development. The proposed addition consists of 70 single-family lots and 9 villa lots on the northwest corner of the site.
Tavera 5
Update 11/21/2022: City Council approved Lennar's request for the Final Plat and Final PUD for Tavera 5.
Lennar has submitted an application for a Final Plat and a Final PUD for the Fifth Addition of the "Tavera" development. The 5th Addition includes 26 single family units in the cul-de-sac of 62nd Ave. The proposed lots range in size from 8,953 to 18,785 square feet in area.
Tavera 4
Update 7/28/2022: City Council approved Lennar's request for the Final Plat and Final PUD for Tavera 4.
Lennar has requested approval of their Final Plat and Final PUD application for Tavera 4. The Fourth Addition includes 40 twin-homes and 80 single-family units. The single family lots range in size from 9,020 to 19,121 square feet in area.
Tavera 3
Update 2/10/2022: City Council approved Lennar's request for the Final Plat and Final PUD for Tavera 3.
Lennar is requesting approval of an Final Plat and Final PUD application for Tavera 3. The Third Addition consists of 9 single-family units and 134 townhomes units.
Tavera 2 PUD Amendment
Update 11/10/2021: City Council approved Lennar's request to allow four additional stockpiles not to exceed 20 feet in height. The four stockpiles are approved through October 1, 2022.
Lennar has requested approval of a PUD amendment to allow for additional temporary stockpiles in the southwest portion of the former Wessel property.
Tavera 2
Update 9/23/2021: City Council approved Lennar's request for the Final Plat and Final PUD for Tavera 2.
Lennar has requested approval of the final plat and final PUD development plan for Tavera 2. This phase plats part of the former Wessel property and the former Thies property. This addition includes 46 single-family lots.
Tavera PUD Amendment
Update 7/22/2021: City Council approved Lennar's request to amend the PUD Plan for Tavera to allow for the construction of 551 homes and a temporary real estate sign not to exceed 32 square feet in area.
Lennar has requested approval of a PUD amendment to increase the total number of units from 549 to 551, to reduce the architecture standards approved as part of the PUD and allow larger real estate signage than permitted by the City Code.
Upcoming Meetings
None currently scheduled
Previous Meetings
March 28, 2024 City Council
November 21, 2022 City Council
July 28, 2022 City Council
June 16, 2022 Parks & Trails Commission
November 10, 2021 City Council
September 23, 2021 City Council
September 2, 2021 Planning Commission
April 8, 2021 City Council
March 16, 2021 City Council
March 4, 2021 Planning Commission
June 25, 2020 City Council
June 4, 2020 Planning Commission
May 21, 2020 Parks & Trails Commission
April 21, 2020 City Council
September 6, 2019 City Council
August 8, 2019 City Council