Kwik Trip

Kwik Trip Site Plan          Kwik Trip Rendering

Conceptual rendering

Conceptual rendering


Kwik Trip, Inc. is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat, a Final Plat, Conditional Use Permit, and Site Plan to allow development of a Kwik Trip station on the parcels north of Mama G's. The proposed station consists of a 9200 square foot convenience store, an attached 1950 square foot single bay carwash, and a 10-dispenser main fueling canopy and a 2-dispenser diesel fueling canopy.  The proposed location is on two parcels totaling 4.9 acres that are directly north of Mama G's and will have direct access onto County Road 101.

Kwik Trip Final Plat

Kwik Trip is also requesting that the convenience store be allowed to run all operations 24 hours a day. The types of products sold will be similar to the existing Kwik Trip stores throughout the region. 

Preliminary & Final Plat
The proposed site consists of two parcels (PIDs 12-119-23-14-0004 & 12-119-23-14-0006) north of Mama G's (9705 County Road 101). In order to develop on the site, the applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary and final plat, which would consolidate the two parcels into a single lot. The plat consists of two lots and a future roadway. Lot 1 would consist of the Kwik Trip station, and lot two would consist of the existing Mama G's building. 

Conditional Use Permit
The site is currently zoned Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) and is guided for a commercial use in the 2040 Future Land Use Plan. Motor fuel stations are allowed as a conditional use in the C-1 district and require approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The applicant has applied for the CUP to allow operation of a motor fuel station on this site. 

Upcoming Meeting Dates
March 6, 2025 Planning Commission
March 27, 2025 City Council 

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