Hope Community Church is requesting to develop the parcel on the northwest corner of County Road 30 and County Road 116. The proposed development includes a multi-purpose campus with housing for seniors as well as commercial and medical office spaces. If approved, the proposed development would be constructed in 4 different phases.
The applicant proposes 641 new dwelling units, which would come in a variety of housing styles. The proposal includes 2 market-rate multifamily buildings, a senior apartment building, an active senior living facility, senior villas, and row townhomes for all ages. The non-residential component of the proposal includes 2 multistory medical office buildings, and 2 smaller commercial buildings that would be suitable for uses such as a small grocery store, coffee shop, restaurant, bank, etc.
Preliminary Plat
Update 2/22/2024: The City Council approved the Preliminary Plat request.
Hope Community Church has submitted a Preliminary Plat for approval. This plat consists of 26 senior villa lots, 9 lots for rowhomes, and 8 outlots for future phases of development.
Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Update 2/22/2024: The City Council approved the Preliminary PUD request.
The applicant is requesting an approval to rezone the site to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). A PUD can grant an applicant flexibility from certain zoning requirements in exchange for the developer creating some community benefit(s). The applicant is requesting flexibility from the lot square footage standards for the Villa units, reduced setbacks for the multifamily building along CR-116, joint parking/reduced parking requirements, allowance of townhomes in the Mixed-Use district, and flexibility in density across the site area.
Hope Community Church proposes the following community benefits: locating taller buildings away from homes as much as possible, constructing an east-west connection to future development, shift existing ROW to allow for more economical construction of water utility lines, improvement of existing drainage conditions for neighbors to the south of the project area, and the establishment of a significant tax base to serve the City of Corcoran.
Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)
Update 7/6/2023: The comment period concluded on July 6, 2023. The City Council accepted the Notice of Decision, which had a finding of "no need" for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Hope Community Church submitted a request for the City to initiate the mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) pursuant to the requirements of the Minnesota Environmental Review Program. The EAW is a brief document designed to lay out basic facts of a project necessary to determine if an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed. The EAW also provides information about the project to the public and helps identify ways to protect the environment.
The EAW is not used to approve or deny a project but is actually used as a source of information to guide other approvals and permitting decisions. Under Minnesota Environmental Review Program rules, the City is the Responsible
Governmental Unit (RGU) tasked with preparing the EAW and determining whether the project has the potential for significant environmental effects.
The City Council approved the distribution of the draft EAW for Hope Community at the May 25, 2023 Regular Meeting. The comment period will be open from 5/30/2023 to 7/6/2023. During this time, any member of the general public is allowed to review and comment on the EAW for the Hope Community project.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
No upcoming meetings scheduled.
Previous Meeting Dates
September 26, 2024 City Council
August 1, 2024 Planning Commission
February 22, 2024 City Council
February 1, 2024 Planning Commission
December 19, 2023 Parks & Trails Commission
July 27, 2023 City Council
May 25, 2023 City Council
January 12, 2023 City Council