Corcoran II Substation

Site Location

Update, June 2023: Much of the construction for Wright Hennepin Electric Association's second substation has been completed, but there are items that Wright Hennepin is working on. There is currently no tentative completion or operational date. 

Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WHE) is constructing an electric substation on a 5.3-acre lot on the northeast corner of County Road 116 and Larkin Road. With the growth within Corcoran, Wright Hennepin has stated that the existing substation will not be suitable to serve the city the growing demand. The new substation will be an upgrade compared to the existing substation. 

As part of the applicant's site plan, the Substation will include a number of landscaping improvements. A berm has been installed along the west side of the property which will allow a double row of trees to be planted. There will also be a wide variety of plantings, including: 20 canopy Trees, 90 evergreen trees, and 85 shrubs of varying species. Wright Hennepin will also install a 7 foot fence around the perimeter of the site with slats to screen the equipment from the outside. These additions will provide an increased level of screening from County Road 116. 

Substation view from CR 116Final Plat
On August 11, 2022, City Council approved Wright Hennepin's application to plat a 5.3-acre parcel on the northeast corner of Larkin Road and County Road 116 which will allow for the construction of their second electric substation in the City of Corcoran. 

Preliminary Plat 
On April 28, 2022, Council approved a preliminary plat, site plan and administrative permit for Corcoran II Substation at the northeast corner of Larkin Road and County Road 116. The Council approved these requests with the condition that the applicant install berms and additional trees to screen the substation from County Riad 116. 
On April April 28, 2022, Council conditionally approved the preliminary plat, site plan and administrative permit for Corcoran Substation II. The condition of this approval requires the applicant to provide the City with proof they have secured title to the property. The Council also revised the Commission's landscaping recommendations to exclude a monument sign and require berms and trees to 80 percent capacity within 3-5 years.
Ariel rendering of substation
On April 7, 2022, the Planning Commission reviewed the screening of the site, at the direction of the Council. The Commission recommended that the applicant work with the City to use part of the park land to allow constriction of a berm with more landscaping across that common lot lin. Specifically, the Commission recommended that the applicant include the following landscaping items: a berm of the west side of the substation; provide a double row of trees on the west and north side of the substation; provide larger trees than required, preferably some spaded trees; provide a chain link fence with slats; and provide a monument sign with landscaping to identify the substation.

Previous Meetings

August 11 Council Meeting
April 28 Council Meeting
April 14 Council Meeting
April 7 Planning Commission
March 24 Council Meeting
March 3 Planning Commission
Feb 17 Parks and Trails Commission Meeting
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