Corcoran Farms Business Park, from JMMK, LLC. is a proposed business park consisting of 5 industrial buildings with a combined area of 726,000 square feet at 20130 Larkin Road.
Preliminary Plat, Preliminary PUD & Rezoning (City file no. 22-044)
*Update: On December 8, 2022, City Council approved the applicant's request for a Preliminary Plat, Preliminary PUD, and Rezoning from Light-Industrial to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Council directed the applicant to make several changes to their original application including additional screening along Larkin Road and the west side of the property, as well as reduced building height.
JMMK, LLC has submitted a request for review of a rezoning to a Planned Unit Development (PUD), preliminary plat and preliminary PUD development plan to develop a five-lot industrial park consisting of five buildings on a 70.36 acre site. This site is currently guided Light Industrial in the Comprehensive Plan and zoned as a Light Industrial (I-1) district. The PUD offers enhanced flexibility to develop the site through the relaxation of most typical zoning standards.
Rezoning to PUD allows for a greater variety of land uses, construction phasing and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this flexibility, the City expects a higher level of design, more sensitive development or more significant infrastructure improvements than might otherwise be required.
The applicant's plan shows buildings with smooth finish precast panels in off-white and gray with blue/gray canopies. There are windows at the ground level on the front of the building and clerestory windows on the sides and rear of the buildings to add some visual interest.
The plan show construction of a new public street connecting through the site from Larkin Road to the northwest. The public street will be constructed 36 feet wide in an 80 foot right-of-way. This public street will ultimately connect to County Road 50 when the property to the northwest develops. This connection will eventually add a secondary access to this site.
The Parks and Trails plan shows an off-road trail running along the creek on the east side of the property and a future on-road trail on Larkin Road. The off-road trail will be part of the Three Rivers Park District Diamond Lake Regional trail that crosses through this site. The trail shown by the applicant runs along the east side of the property between County Road 50 and Larkin road.

Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) (City file no. 22-006)
*Update: On August 11, 2022 the City Council issued a finding of "no need" for an EIS based on the review of the EAW dated May 11, 2022.
The Minnesota Environmental Review Program rules require a mandatory EAW for new warehousing or light industrial facilities greater than 300,000 gross square feet. City Council authorized the preparation of the EAW at the February 24, 2022 regular meeting when the concept plan was reviewed.
August 11 Update: Council met to discuss the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for "Corcoran Farms Business Park" and agreed with the findings of the worksheet (EAW). The worksheet found that there was no need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for "Corcoran Farms Business Park" and the applicant can proceed to submit a formal application for a Preliminary Plat, a rezoning of plat to a PUD, and a Preliminary PUD.
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February 24, 2022 City Council