Bergeron Homes & Development, Inc. is requesting approval of a land use application that would allow the development of 75 single-family homes on the property directly west of Cook Lake, and will border Rush Creek Golf Course and the Bass Lake Crossing neighborhood.

The proposal consists of 75 single-family lots on a 57.1 acre site, with lot widths ranging from 55 to 75 feet and beyond. The homes of the proposal are higher end detached villa style homes with floor plans ranging from 2600-3000 square feet.
Preliminary-PUD, Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment
05/21/2024 update: City Council approved the Preliminary Plat, Preliminary-PUD, Rezoning, and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Fairway Shores.
The applicant is requesting that the site be rezoned from Single Family Residential 2 (RSF-2) to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Rezoning to a PUD allows the developer to request specific flexibilities from the standards of the zoning ordinance in exchange for creative community designs of exceptional quality with a combination of community benefits.
The applicant is requesting PUD flexibility from the following standards: the minimum lot width (from 65' to 55'), minimum lot area (from 7500 sq. ft. to 6875 sq. ft.), minimum side setback (from 10' to 7.5') and minimum rear setback (from 30' to 25').
In exchange for these flexibilities, the applicant is proposing the installation of an internal trail that will connect to surrounding developments, natural resources preservation, use of City preferred trees in the landscaping plan, higher architectural standards, variety of lot sizes, and larger tree sizes than required.
Upcoming Meetings
None scheduled at this time
Previous Meetings
May 21, 2024 City Council
May 2, 2024 Planning Commission
June 22, 2023 City Council