Land Disturbance and Grading Permits

Land disturbance is defined as any disturbance to the land that results in a change of the existing soil cover, both vegetative and non-vegetative, creates bare soil, alters hydrology, or may cause erosion or sedimentation. This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as clearing, stripping, grubbing, excavating, filling, grading, logging, material storage, driveway additions or expansions, and the construction of any structure.

Most land disturbance and grading projects require financial security in the form of a cash escrow. This refundable security is held until the project is completed and permanent erosion control measures, such as vegetation, have been successfully established. 

A grading permit is required for any land disturbance activities, including grading and/or filling, on property within the city. Property owners should be aware many activities require a basic permit. Prior to performing any grading or filling on your property contact [email protected].


A land disturbance permit is required for any NEW access onto a local public road, and/or if an existing access is altered (widened, moved, etc.). Per code maximum driveway width is 24 feet. A secondary access may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

A permit is not required for paving or resurfacing an existing driveway, unless the grade within the right-of-way is changed and/or the culvert is altered.

Hennepin County is the road authority for county state-aid highways and county roads. To obtain an access permit visit

Go to Apply for Permit or visit the Online Permit Portal to apply for a Land Disturbance and Grading permit.


Prior to performing any grading or filling on your property, please contact City Hall. Property owners should be aware many activities will require a basic permit. Typically, engineering review is required when you exceed 300 cubic yards of material, but there are also times when a permit is not required.
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