Chastek Farms

Chastek Farm Site Plan

Trek Development is requesting to develop 117 single-family homes at 7600 Maple Hill Road. The applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat, a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD), and a Rezoning of the 38.16-acre site. 

Preliminary Plat
The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat that consists of 117 single family lots and 7 outlots. Of the 117 single-family lots, 101 lots will have a lot-width of 55-feet, and 16 lots will have a lot-width of 65-feet width.  

Sample renderingPreliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD)
The applicant is requesting an approval to rezone the site from Single Family Residential 2 (RSF-2) to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). A PUD can grant an applicant flexibility from certain zoning requirements in exchange for some developer-created community benefit(s). The applicant is requesting flexibility from the following RSF-2 standards: reduced minimum lot width (from 80 feet to 55 feet), reduced side setback on the garage side (from 10 feet to 7.5 feet), reduced rear setback (from 30 feet to 20 feet), and a reduced setback from Maple Hill Road (from 100 feet to 60 feet). 

In exchange for those flexibilities, Trek Development proposes the following community benefits: Storm Water Management design that includes off site drainage, variety of homes with enhanced designs, off-road trail systems, 15% of site to remain as open space (where 12% would normally be required) and improved public streets if necessary. 

The current zoning for the property is Single Family Residential 2 (RSF-2). In order to be granted flexibility from some of the RSF-2 standards, the applicant is requesting that the site be rezoned to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). 

Upcoming Meetings
July 25, 2024 City Council 

Previous Meetings
June 27, 2024 City Council
May 2, 2024 Planning Commission
March 21, 2024 Parks & Trails Commission

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